Tuesday 17 April 2012

Specific Research of Double Page Spread

There are aspects to this double page spread which I think are extremely effective. I like the use of the large picture of the artist in the centre of the page and then the small shots of her dacing at the top of the page. I like the models pose, I think its very striking and shows to the audience what type of artist she is. However I think I would find this extremely hard to do on my magaizne, as I would find it hard to fit all the small shots onto the page, as well as a large picture and article. I like the use of the different colouring text to differentiate the main points, and I think I would use this in my article to differentiate the questions asked and the answers given by the artist. There is a large amount of writing on the page and I am not sure whether readers would find this offputting or not. Although I would not completely base my double page spread around this example, I may use aspects of it in my work.

There are also aspects of this double page spread which I like. The use of the large title is very effective as it attracts readers and lets them know what the article is about. I like the use of the capital 'T' as well, this clearly shows where the interview begins. The use of the large quotation is also very effective and I will definitley inco-operate this into my own magazine. However I do not like how seperated the two sides of the page are, thew right hand side has a light background to see the writing however the left hand side is very different and the background is extremely dark. I wouldn't want my model to look like this as my model will not be a man, and I also do not like the use of the prop he is standing on. Yet again there are aspects of this double page spread which I wikll base my magazine around however this is not the look that I am going for with my magazine.

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