Tuesday 17 April 2012

Detailed Research of Double Page Spread

 I really like this double page spread and would use quite a few ideas from this to add to my own work. I really like the use of the large 'C' on the right hand side, and how the words fit around it. I like the use of the quotation at the bottom in a different colour, as it really makes it stand out and is separate from the rest of the interview. There is also a small title at the top telling us the name of the artist which I also think if effective. The picture on the right hand side of Cheryl Cole is more how I would like to base my model around, however most probably not doing this type of pose, but the edgy look she has been given is what I would like to achieve with my model. The only aspect of this double page spread that I don't like is the square picture on the left hand side as I think it does not flow well with the page and there is not continuity with it.

This double page spread example is extremely effective and would be good to base mine around. I like how the model looks, with quite a striking pose, and the black leather outfit is similar to what I would want my model to look like. The use of the faint block writing in the background is effective, and I would like to in co-operate something like this into my double page spread somehow. I again like the use of the large 'D' to show where the interview begins. I will most likely not have my model resting on any sort of prop as this is not the look that I want to go for. I like the use of the picture on the left hand side and the writing on the right hand side, and I also think the use of the same colour background is effective as it uses continuity and doesn't separate the two pages. I would like to base a large amount of my features around this magazine as I feel this example of a double page spread links in with the look and feel of my front cover and double contents page.

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