Wednesday 18 April 2012

Evaluation of Double Page Spread

This is the finished product of my double page spread. Overall I think my double page spread was a success. I followed my research so that it correlated with the look and feel that I wanted for it. It also has continuity from the two following pages, as it has elements of the same colour text, as well as the same font. I like the use of the pictures being in co-operated into the text, such as one of the pictures is within the 'L' of the title, and the other is in between the two columns of the interview. Another positive of this double page spread is the fact that all parts of the page, and there are many parts of the page to look at without it being cluttered. I like the use of the different colour font for the 'Laura' title as I think it contrasts form the rest of the page, and makes it more colourful from the white background.If I were to make my double page spread again I would change a few things. The process of taking photos was fairly rushed, and therefore I only had one opportunity to take photos. If I did it again I would make sure that I left myself more time to allow me to do more than one photo shoot so I could experiment with the model. I also think the page would be more effective in a more bright and colourful background colour as I feel this may have drained the page a bit, and it would be more interesting in a different colour. However penultimately I think I am happy with what my double page spread product looks like.

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