Wednesday 4 April 2012

Print shot Footage of Contents Page

I firstly chose my picture that I wanted to use for my contents page. For this process of editing I used adobe photo shop as it can give me the best results that I need for my photo, and is the easiest programme for editing.
To make sure my editing was done effectively I had to zoom in on her face so that I could clearly see what I needed to edit. When zooming on her face I found some blemishes on her face, such as on her chin and forehead, which I needed to remove on her face to give a clearer complexion.
Here you can see she has much smoother skin and her skin is all one colour and looks very clear. For this I used the spot healing tool which removed all her blemishes. For the slightly red skin under her nose I used the clone stamp to make it the same colour as the rest of her face.
I then had to edit her lips as if you look in previous screen shots, that some of her red lipstick is coming off her lips and it is not fully red throughout all her lips. I decided to edit them by using the clone stamp and simply going over parts of the lip which weren't as bright red, making them look fuller and stand out more.
I then needed to edit the background of my picture to a different colour so that it matched the colour of the background of my contents page. For this I used the magic wand tool to make it easier for myself as this allows me to colour in the background without going over parts of the photo that I don't want to such as the models hair or headphones. I then coloured the background in a grey/purple colour with the brush tool. 
 I then had to crop, cutting the right hand side of it off as I am only using half of the photo in my contents page as this is what my research shows.
 I then started to design my contents page. I followed the layout of my drawing ideas by having a large title, and sub titles down the left hand side of my page.
I then added page numbers and information, as well as the small bit of writing I said I would have just below the large title. I made clear what information was where by having larger sub titles than the rest of the information on the page, and this will make it easier for the audience to read.
I then added the picture to the page on the right hand side. I also had to make the writing on the left hand side come out more to the middle as there were empty spaces in the middle of the page which I could not fill with anything else. I thought this would fault my contents page however it didn't. I also had to make the background of my contents page to the background of the photo which proved a difficult task as it took me a while to find the exact same right colour, however by the end I found one which almost perfectly matched.

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