Thursday 19 April 2012

Candidate Information

Candidate Name: Lauren Simmons
Candidate Number: 6098
Centre Name: Wilmington Gramar School For Girls
Centre Number: 61119

Final Products

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When making my preliminary task at first I found it hard to create an actual magazine, as I was not aware of spacial awareness on the page, and how to fit all features of a magazine together whilst also making it look professional. However I feel that I overcome this problem when it came to my music magazine as I think I created an attractive and successful front page, as well as the other pages, which included all the features of a magazine that I would want it to whilst still making it look professional and uncluttered. When looking for research for my preliminary I did find parts of it hard to correlate to the product of my school magazine. I found finding photographic research particularly hard as I was not specific enough of what route I wanted to go down when making my school magazine. However when making my music magazine and looking for research, I was much more specific and detailed in what I was looking for, as I had planned out exactly what look and style I wanted for my music magazine. As I said in the question before, I was not familiar with the programs that I had to use, and so by the end of this work I am now able to effectively work the program, producing work which is adequate for the task set. I still had a slight problem with time management as in the making process of my double page spread I was fairly rushed, however I can learn and improve from this to make sure that I manage my time more carefully in the future.
I also learnt many technical skills and techniques which proved extremely useful when producing my music magazine. I firstly learnt photosgraphic skills. For example I found out how to successfuly use a professional camera to the best of its abilty to create shots which were I could use in my msic magazine.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation Question 5

How did it attract/address your audience?

My media product attracted my audience through the bold and striking front cover. It is an r’n’b magazine which includes artist of that genre such as Nicki Minak, so the style of the magazine would initially it appeal more to those who listen to that genre of music. However the photo that is included on the front page is quite alternative, and therefore could appeal to other audiences as well as they may be interested in it. I also think the use of the large quotation on the page as well as other interesting features would attract my audience as it makes it seem that articles inside the magazine are very exciting and makes the audience curious. The use of larger fonts as well as different coloured ones would also be eye-catching for the audience and make them enticed to pick up the magazine to have a look at and buy.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience of your media product?


Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My media could be distributed in a number of different places. My magazine follows along the same line as other high brand music magazines, which are distributed in magazine shops, supermarkets, and corner shops. Therefore my magazine could be sold here as it is not extremely expensive and therefore working and middle class people could afford it. As I feel my magazine is quite upmarket it could also be distributed in music shops such as HMV. This would attract a large amount of customers as they would be interested in the magazine as they are already looking for products which concern the music genre. My media product could also be distributed online and through the post. They could so this by subscribing to the magazine either online or by posting subscription money, and could receive their copy of the magazine that way.