Tuesday 25 October 2011

Font Development research

Firstly I developed the fonts by just doing them in a black colour but changing the font, this allowed me to create an idea of what font I wanted. I also experimented by doing some of the titles in capitalsand some without capitals. This allowed me to see what was more effective and bold, and would stand out on a page with other features on it. I then decided that I would have use capitals throughout my title to make it more eye-catching. I then played around with the clour, testing out what would be seen better on a page. At first I used a yellow colour but then realised this would not be able to be seen easily on a page, especially if the background what a bright colour. I then tried working with background colours to see if that would work. Although it made the title more interesting I did not like it as I thought it made it look slightly 'tacky' and not simple and effective, and it the background colour tended to clash with the colour of the title as you can see with the black title with the red background. It also drew away from the writing. I then decided to make some of the titles slant to a slight angle, which I found effective and made it look more interesting.  

I then chose a colour which I thought was effective and went with a purple/pink type of colour. The colour is effective as it stands out on a page but also compliments other features on the page. I then experimented with having my title underlined or not. Although this looked good I felt it would seperate the title from the rest of the page and make it look secluded. I then decided on my final title which is the one at the bery bottom. It is bold and eye-catching, with a simple yet effective font that looks professional and a school-type font. I think this well go well with my front cover and will attract the right audiance.

1 comment:

  1. You need to come to a conclusion about which font you want to use.
