Thursday 24 November 2011

Specific Research of Front Cover

Out of all of my research and all of the front covers that I have looked at, I like this one the most, and would want to base my magazine around something which follows this design. I think the pose of the singer is used very well, and this is for many reasons. She portrays her body well as she is pulling a slightly sexy pose. This 'sexy' type look is also portrayed through the clothing she is wearing. She is showing quite a lot of skin, however, is not used in a cheap and slutty way, but used to make her attractive. She is also pulling a serious face to add to the pose she is using. The overlapping of the photo to the title is used effectively, and makes it more attractive. I also like the use of a running colour scheme throughout the front cover. The use of her pose, as well as her style, especially focusing on the clothes she is wearing, reveals the type of artist that she is. The use of different sized fonts allows you to see what is important on the page, and what is less important, giving eye-catching headlines to the page. However the downside to this magazine is the fact that it really focuses on a a particular audience. Not only is it related to 'pop' music but the use of the pinks and grey colour scheme allows us to think that this magazine is mainly created for girls. This would put certain buyers off purchasing this magazine, and ultimately it would not appeal to a lot of people.

From my research I have now gone down a particular route which I would want my
 magazine to resemble. I again like the overlapping of the picture and the title, as I feel this is a very modern way to edit a magazine. I also like the use of down the right hand side there is a small title with a quote underneath. This feature is running throughout the whole front cover of the magazine and gives a slightly 'edgy' feel to it. Throughout the magazine they have used dramatic and 'catchy' words to entice readers, making it more interesting. The pose of the celebrity is very striking, and gives off a particular impression. Her make-up is very striking and her red lipstick stands out on the page. She is also pulling a pose which looks as if she is about to have a fight. This portrays the impression that she is daring and resilient, and gives off a slightly 'hard' image. The quote above the picture interlinks with the pose she is using, and allows us to slightly understand what will be included inside the magazine. The bold title of 'PARAMORE' also backs up the idea of the hard exterior that she contains. Overall I think that this magazine cover is extremely effective. I like the bold pose she is using, and think that this would be very effective in my magazine.

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