Monday 19 March 2012

Production of Front Page

 I decided to use this picture as I felt that it would be the most complimentary shaped pose to my front cover and I would be able to fit titles and subheadings around the photo without it being too cluttered and covering too much of the model.
Firstly I decided to edit the background as the backdrop on my photos were creased and not the right shade of white. To do this I used the magic wand which allowed me to colour in the background without going over parts of the models face or body. I decided to use a bright white as I thought this would make the model stand out more on the page.
I then focused on more intraquete details of the photo such as editing out messy parts of her hair and getting rid of small grey parts which hadn't been filled in when using the paint and magic wand tool. For this I used a small sized paint brush and slowly coloured in the parts, making sure to not go over parts of the face and hair which I wanted to keep on the page.
I then focused on blemishes and spots on the models face and tried to make her skin look more smooth and clear. From this photo you can see that there is a red blemish above her eyebrow which could be unattractive on the front page.
Here the blemish is gone as I have edited it out. I did this by using the clone stamp and took a piece of skin near to where the blemish was, cloned that piece of skin, and then put it over the blemish so that it disappeared and looked like the rest of her skin. This is an effective tool to use to give an airbrushed look whilst looking natural.
I then decided that the sleeve of her arm by her elbow looked creased and messy, and was a drawback of the photo. When looking at the photo in whole it would often give sloppy look to it so I decided I needed to edit it out.
To do this I just used the same colour as the background and coloured it in very carefully and slowly, to make neat straight lines and no creases within the shirt. This gave a much neater look and allowed other parts of the photo to be focused on.
Here is the finishing product of the edited picture with all stray hairs removed, the background being all white, and all messy and sloppy parts of the photo being edited out to leave with a neat and striking finishing front cover photo.
I then started adding features to the photo. I started with the title as apart from the photo this is the main feature of the front page. I made sure it was bold enough and stood out from the photo without overtaking the page. I had to edit the size of the font a couple of times to give the right width and space apart from each letter, and how and where it should be placed ont he page.
I then started adding sub-titles and small headings to the pagem and I firstly started with the heading of my double page spread. I varied in the size, boldness, and layout of the texts in this first subheading to make it more interesting and bold and to differentiate in the fonts I used. I also added a price and date of the magazine.
I then added a quote at the bottom of the page which is an effective way of drawing readers in, as they are able to have a preview of what is inside. I also used a tool to create a circle with writing in it, which had a red background to it. This is an effective way of adding colour to the page whilst also making it neat and to break up the page a little.
I then added small sub headings to the left side of my page as my research shows that I need to have small writing down the left hand side. This was a good use of writing as it meant it covered up blank white areas of the cover and I was able to add pieces of information to make the cover stand out more. Throughout the title I have used a running colour scheme of red black and blue to create continuity.

Monday 12 March 2012

3rd Set of Photos from Photoshoot


These photos are much more focused than the last two photoshoots. I knew exactly how I wanted her dressed, the make up she had to wear, and how I wanted to have her hair. The dark chocolate brown of her hair combines well with the bright red lipstick and dark eye make up that I have used. Although I have used a black shirt, which may seem plain, it has a mesh quality to it which allows us to see the models skin, and we can also see a glimpse of the models bra underneath. From my past photoshoots I realised that I needed to make my background more focused and I could not have it in an outdoor environment. By having a backdrop I could focus more on my models pose and emotions on her face. She also has quite flowing, messy hair in these pictures. I think this is a positive of the photos as it gives the feel that she has an edge to her, and makes the photo more interesting to look at. Her poses are also much more defined and intrequate, and are very much the same throughout with small differentiations between them. This was because I knew exactly what pose I wanted her to do as I knew how I wanted her to be laid out on the page. It also allowed me to take more photos and to get one which would exactly fit my front screen, as I could take photos of her from slightly different angles to find out which way looked best. the mid shot is also effective as you can see part of her body and outfit, however it allows us to mainly focus on her face and the pose she is doing. Throughout these photos she is pouting in most of them, also with a quite intense eyes. I think these photos really bring out her dark brown eyes, which makes her look elegant and striking. After taking a sufficient amoutn of photos I realised that I wanted all of her on one side. This was because it made her hair look bigger on one side and also worked effectively as there was variation in the photo, and made her hair look more interesting. It also allowed her to have a slight tilt of the head to show off the waviness of her hair, and how it looked quite natural.  

After looking at all of my photos I decided I would use this on my front cover, and this is for many reasons. At the top I have left enough room in the photo for a title. There is also enough room on either side of the photo for writing to be placed without covering the whole photo. I also really like this photo as her hand on her hip is quite bold and gives off the impression that she is powerful. She also has quite a serious and sexy look to her, which allows us to read behind the image. Her hair is very bold and her make up is intense which is very effective.